Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Nuff Said

Two words and then nothing else needs to be said...but Imma say it anyway...Keith Olberman. Talk about a political assassination...DAMN! Then on Monday, FOX News had the nerve to try to "spin" the HRC's comment. They said her comment was blown out of proportion. She suffers from fatigue. If you fall for that...well, you know the rest. "Black people unite or we'll all go down" that's my own quote. "People, people, we gotta get over before we go under" James Brown, Funky President. Look, If you still can't see it..."You're blind baby, you're blind to the fact of who you are cause you're watching that garbage" The Late Great Flav said that...not the clown prince of VH1. Wake UP!!! 

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


This is my blog. This is a very dangerous tool for someone like me. Someone who has been quiet too long and now has something to say...too much to say. I've decided to share my thoughts, opinions etc, with the hopes of generating conversation, creating dialogue, debate, what have you.
I might offend you, sorry up front, but I expect you to fire back, be bold, be brave...but respectful. We can agree to disagree...thats cool.