Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So I had this conversation the other day with a brother and I said the word NIGGER. WOW, this dude blew up at me about my use of the word. So I asked, "what should I have said"? I mean, how should we identify ourselves? You know...what are we? Who are we? This is an argument that many of us struggle internally with. I mean. I'm just as confused as the next man. But why? NIGGER doesn't offend me because I won't let it. I won't give IT that kind of power. African American...nope! The word American offends me more than NIGGER! BLACK...OK, I dig that. Now, nobody WHITE better NOT call me a NIGGER, I've heard that said. But what if I change its meaning, I give it MY own power. Make NIGGER like SUPERMAN to me? Let NIGGER empower me.

Now know and understand that I know the history of that word and how it stung when it came out off the mouths of our oppressors. But didn't Martin Luther King through his preaching of non-violent tactics teach us to ignore the word and all other derogatory names and prejudices because we were MEN and that as MEN we were bigger than those words? Didn't we take the sting out of the word NIGGER by our actions? So whats with all the sensitivity?

You can't be my NIGGER no more or is it NIGGA? Ain't it all the same? My NIGGERS is my NIGGAS like my DOGS is my DAWGS...synonyms. Get it?

I heard Jesse Jackson call Obama a NIGGA or was it NIGGER. Oh and by the way...Why do you NIGGERS, NEGROES, BLACKS, AFRICAN AMERICANS, and COLOREDS whisper the word WHITE when you are talking about WHITE FOLKS....even in a room full of NIGGAS? Don't you know that they know they are WHITE?