Sunday, January 4, 2009

Welcome 2009

Welcome 2009. what? Every January 1st most of us re-evaluate our lives and make promises to improve what ever it was that made us miserable the year before. Stuff like losing weight, eating the right foods, or just being a better person and less of a rat bastard. I'm guilty of the same insanity that usually last two months tops. So this year I've decided to share some of them with you so when I can bust my balls December 31st. So here we go.

Be happy and health at all cost
Divorce one woman
Marry another woman
Sell one house
Buy three more houses
Make enough money so my daughter won't have to take out student loans
Learn an another language
Learn to swim
Learn to play the guitar and/or the trumpet
Travel more
Save the world
Learn to fly
Write a magazine article and have it published
Shoot one short film
and finally...
all that other shit we all promise to do each and every year.

My problem with resolutions is that we spend three months trying to accomplish them and the other 7 months saying "I'll do it next year" WTF????? Good luck on your resolutions. Wish me luck on mine!