Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Nuff Said

Two words and then nothing else needs to be said...but Imma say it anyway...Keith Olberman. Talk about a political assassination...DAMN! Then on Monday, FOX News had the nerve to try to "spin" the HRC's comment. They said her comment was blown out of proportion. She suffers from fatigue. If you fall for that...well, you know the rest. "Black people unite or we'll all go down" that's my own quote. "People, people, we gotta get over before we go under" James Brown, Funky President. Look, If you still can't see it..."You're blind baby, you're blind to the fact of who you are cause you're watching that garbage" The Late Great Flav said that...not the clown prince of VH1. Wake UP!!! 


Unknown said...

This was a great post, but you need to link this so that folks can see for themselves. I will be posting tomorrow on this issue. He blasted Bush the week before,and he has become the progressive voice of reason for liberals, moderates and even conservatives with a conscience. I watch him regularly and I don't miss an episode. In fact, I am watching him now discuss Scott McClellan- the former White House Press Director- and his new book that calls out Bush, Cheney and Rove and Libby and accuses Bush of propaganda! He is right about this latest latest thing. I was a supporter back in the day but her and Bill lost me with their brand of I will do anything to win attitude. This show should be mandatory viewing for all communications students on fact checking.
Dr. Chris

Anonymous said...

Olbermann is the SHIT! I enjoy his commentary because his political views tend to be in-line with my own. But, I appreciate even more how he can even criticize the "left/liberal" when he feels they wavered. That's a strong sign of an independent person who has a set core of values. (By the way, Rachel Maddow is another favorite of mine; for some of the same reasons.) Both Rachel and Keith are pretty astute personnel. I'll be tuning in to her new show on the MSNBC line-up.
Keep it Pimpery,