Saturday, June 14, 2008

Two Words...OK, one letter / one word

R. Kelly,

In case you were under a rock you missed one of the most significant stories in our community...other than the untimely passing of one of this countries greatest political journalist, Tim Russert, anything relevant to Barack Obama, the continued senseless murders of young black men in Baltimore and DC, or the fact that oil is still trading high and now Exxon wants to get out of the retail business.

The self proclaimed "King of R&B"...lets see what Bobby Brown has to say about that, was acquitted on all 14 charges of child pornography. Now, let's see. R. Kelly. Ya'll remember the tape right? I mean, ya'll saw it right? OK. The jury said the believed it was in fact R .Kelly on the tape but could not be sure if it was the young lady who the prosecution said it was, and since the young lady refused to testify, the jury had no victim. WOW! But the jury BELIEVED it was him according to Nancy Grace (CNN Reporter who has made a career prosecuting and now reporting on such cases) who is PISSED. OK, ya'll saw the tape right????? Reminder, this is my opinion. Feel free to comment. WHAT THE FCUK!!!!!!!! Now the law is the law and it had to be proven beyond reasonable doubt that he was guilty of the charges...but c'mon. What about personal responsibility, child endangerment, or just plain...child pornography charges. If it WAS him...he was with SOMEBODY'S CHILD!!!!!! How stupid was the prosecution or the grand jury not to have considered charges that DID NOT involve that young lady on the tape? We all knew he had the ability to make it "disappear". Plus, he was being prosecuted in Illinois. Surprised, no. Did you see the people outside of the court house? They love Kelly. Its like the neighborhood drug dealer. The one that has poisoned someone from everybody's family on the block. But has employed many others, given away free turkeys at Thanksgiving, and even sponsors the youth football and basketball!#, he might be the coach. They all love him and Kels...go figure. Holla Back!!!!!!!


jamarjones said...

YO I was trying to post something in your comments section, but it wouldn't let me. So I'll just say...

Niggas love R. Kelly I tried to post that episode of Boondocks but you know. Its on my page if you want to check it.

Unknown said...

I agree that a this case was outragious. It just goes to prove that money talks. I haven't seen the tape, so I can't say for sure if it was him. However, the jury believed it was him. Where were the minor charges that could have added up to any time. They were too set on trying to put him away instead of ridiculously overcharging him to get something on the legal record. Tell Jamar to edit that tape please lol!


Yea, well...he's still got another case in I've heard. Supposedly they were waiting for the Chicago ruling before they maybe, just maybe some young woman somewhere may still get justice.

Unknown said...

I feel as though the girl in the video with R. Kelly wasn't in any danger and it looked to be concentual. She was a young slut who wanted the privalege to say she had sex with a celebrity. I'm sure she wasn't the one filing the charges it was probably her
parent(s). They should be the ones on trial for bad parenting how can they be upset that their child was having sex with a grown man they should have known where she was going, who she was going with, what time... it's called resonsibility and self accountability. They should have raised her to know the danger of putting herself in that predicament what if he would've have forced her to do something she didn't want to do or worse harmed her. Her parents were irresponsible and they want a man to pay for thinking with his dick. If thats the case 2/3 of all men should be charged with negligence. Okay he has a responsibility as a citizen and as a grown man to say no, but, the majority of girls growing up these days look like grown fully developed women while their still in their early teens. And if I may, these are some fresh, hot in the pants, do whatever to get the guy girls comin up, and they recieve little to no direction from home ie. the pregnancy rate among teenagers. And the girl probably lied about her age. To make my point my clear I don't feel as though he should do time for what happened. She had the capacity to say no and she didn't. Her parents should have been more responsible and they weren't, and he shoulda kept his dick in his pants. They're all at fault. Charge 1 charge em all.

kstew said...

A man will only do what you allow! I didnt see the tape but I know there was no gun to her head. Its about raising your children (especaially females) to respect themselves so that they will not put themselves in that type of incident. I know my child will never be exposed to R Kelly if I can help it. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY PARENTS!


...but this is not about the girl, R. was on trial because he had sex with a minor. We watch to catch a preditor all the time saying umh...look at this old dude knowingly pursuing this 13 year old...this is no different. Granted, the sex may have been consenual, however, R. should have known better and not put himself in a situation like that with a minor. We all know these young girls now days are OUT OF CONTROL, and that (90%) of the time no way reflects her parents - parenting skills. I remember being 14 and I KNOW I did some things my parents didn't know about (and no, I wasn't having sex), but my associations were somewhat questionable. People kill me always wanting to point the finger at the parents...they should have known, they should have given her more love...dats dat Bullshyt. If a child has it in his/her mind to act a me, thats exactly what they're going to do.

Edots! said...

I know a woman who does all she can to shield her daughter from the ills of the world. she has open discussions about making the right choices and about being responsible for your actions. She is an active parent in her daughter's PTA, works homework problems with her in the evening, and enrolls her in several after school programs that promote self awareness and self esteem. In my opinion she is a great parent. Last year she discovered her daughter (then 11 years old) had posted pictures of her naked breast on the internet. An older kid saw the pictures and stressed interest until her mother, who checked the girls internet activity and email address regularly, confronted the young man online...he stopped. Now tell me, is she a bad parent? Is it her fault?

Unknown said...

No she's ot a bad parent and no you can't see everything or shield your kids from everything and I'm not letting R. off the hook I put the blame on everybody.

sungod said...

Robert has trouble keeping his mind from the Darkside. He obviously has some pyscological issues,he showed his intent with aaliyah. His music is very melodic, similar to that of the "Pide Piper"???? He is aware of the power of melody (vibration) but he is unaware that he is being used. His music/mind/vibration still has'nt changed and how does the old saying go "something done over and over expecting different results is insanity", this dude is insane/out of his Afican Mind... He schould be band from our ears. Mary Mcloud Bethune said "The true contents of a nation can only be measured by the character of it's WOMAN", and they are under constant attack(our women).They have been under attack every sense they set EVE up in the garden. The target has always been for our women if you destroy the part of God that balances the family you destroy the family.If you destroy the family you control the children (look at our children) Robert Kelly does what all these shows do that degrade our women and pay no cosequence - he "pimped her" she probably got paid more money than those video hoes - so is it much different when the pimping is being done for your entertainment?