Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Been A While

Ok, Ok, so it's been a while since I last ran my mouth. It's not that I've had nothing to say or that I've been consumed with Facebook, ok, maybe just a little, or that all is good in the world. But I've just been...simmering. so much so that I don't quite know where to begin. So I'll just...ramble a bit. First let it be known that I love my city. Baltimore is my home. I was born and raised here. But today, I don't like my city. It's dirty, full of crime, drugs, filth, and quite frankly it's full of people from top to bottom who just don't seem to care.

There is a lack of respect for humanity in my city. We've got dudes shooting 5 year old children. Dudes shooting women execution style. Bodies being found in cars, park bathrooms, shot in broad daylight! WTF!!!! B-More!!!! Every night the news gets more and more depressing and I've yet to hear a call for an end to this madness from ANYONE!!!!! Mama, please save the babies. They said WOMEN were more sensitive to the needs of our community, of our young, of our needy...but where is the call for this madness to stop? And brothers...leaders, waiting for your photo op...or an election year, and get out an fix this. You have the voice and the ear of your community. Say something and not just under your breaths as you criticize. Go old school, pull that soapbox out, set it up on the corners of Park Heights and Woodland or Erdman and Belair, or Fulton and Baltimore, or North and any fuckin where (except Park Ave) and scream at the top of your lungs...STOP THE MADNESS!!!!!!!!!

The level of violence, although statistics say it is on the decline, (but I DON"T SEE A DECLINE...I need, WE NEED this to stop...NOW!!!!) is like I've never seen before. And it reaches beyond the "hood". It's unsafe to go to our "safe havens". Please Baltimore...we've gotta do better. And last...

The TRASH, the RATS...YO, I've seen more RATS this year!!! The pot holes, Baltimore has some of the worst streets in America, piss poor customer service in our local government buildings, on the phone at the board of education...and my property taxes are high as HELL!!!! The conditions of our school buildings...deplorable. I know ya'll see it. Point that stuff out in your community. Tell somebody, any body...we gotta do better!.

OK, I'm done. Now leave me a damn comment cause I know you're tired too.

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